Last month, we concluded our Basics Educational Class, which is for parents or caregivers of someone who has a mental health condition.
Last month NAMI finished their 6 session Basics class held at Wesley United Methodist Church in Lorain. Made for parents and caregivers, the class provided much needed resources and techniques that will allow them to create better parenting styles for their child.
The class allowed participants to share experiences with one another and to exchange contacts which is one of many aspects of NAMI Basics that is unique from other mental health educational classes. Participants realized they are not alone in their situation, but feelings as well.
The class shared problem solving techniques, coping mechanisms, and suggested alternative communication methods to better reach their child.
One of the participants stated the program was “Very informative and conveyed information that I will be able to apply in my life”.
NAMI Basics is a free, six-session program designed for parents and other family caregivers of children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral difficulties. NAMI Basics helps parents and other caregivers of children to understand the illnesses that are causing those behavioral difficulties, and the critical role families play in the treatment of those illnesses. The program is taught by trained teachers who are also the parents or caregivers of individuals who experienced emotional or behavioral difficulties prior to age 13.
If you would like to register for the next Basics Education program, call us at 440-240-8477 or click here.