Facts About Mental Illness
A mental illness is a medical condition that disrupts a person’s thinking, feeling, mood, ability to relate to others and daily functioning. Mental illnesses are medical conditions that often result in a diminished capacity for coping with the ordinary demands of life.
Serious mental illnesses include major depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and borderline personality disorder. The good news about mental illness is that recovery is possible.
Mental illnesses can affect persons of any age, race, religion or income. They are not the result of personal weakness, lack of character or poor upbringing. Mental illnesses are treatable and most people diagnosed with a serious mental illness can experience relief from their symptoms by actively participating in an individual treatment plan.
Find out more about a specific mental illness:
• Anxiety Disorders
• Autism Spectrum Disorders
• Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD)
• Bipolar Disorder
• Borderline Personality Disorder
• Depression
• Dissociative Disorders
• Dual Diagnosis: Substance Abuse and Mental Illness
• Eating Disorders
• Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
• Panic Disorder
• Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
• Schizoaffective Disorder
• Schizophrenia
• Seasonal Affective Disorder
NAMI Ending the Silence
NAMI Ending the Silence is an engaging presentation that helps middle and high school aged youth learn about the warning signs of mental health conditions and what steps to take if you or a loved one are showing symptoms of a mental health condition.